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Date   : Sun, 05 Mar 2006 14:48:04 +0000
From   : jgh@... (Jonathan Graham Harston)
Subject: Re: Warning: Sad case on list!

Fragula <fragula@...> wrote:
> I have a PDP-11 in the bedroom, a few SPARCs, big AMD powered
Oo! Wow! A real PDP-11. You might be interested in
http://mdfs.net/Software/PDP11 - PDP11 emulator, PDP11 assembler
written in BBC BASIC, and - my piece de resistance, as yet
uncompleted - BBC BASIC for the PDP11!
> There appear to have been a number of very interesting developments
> during my "year off", notably Messr's Harston and Sprowsons IDE hard
Thank you.
> Master, bit-of-paper-with-password for FDFS, box of 2Ps. If I'm not back
You've got an FDFS?!?  A SJ Reserch Floppy Disk File Server? 
Don't ever throw it away! Any chance of pictures, disk images,
documentation, etc?
If you no longer want it, I'll have it.
J.G.Harston - jgh@...                - mdfs.net/User/JGH
BBC BASIC for Windows and Internationalisation
  See http://mdfs.net/Software/BBCBasic/Windows/ProgTips
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