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Date   : Mon, 06 Mar 2006 15:24:48 +0000
From   : Rob <robert@...>
Subject: Re: Warning: Sad case on list!

At 14:26 06/03/2006, Fragula wrote:

> > That's without counting second processors too... oh, and a handful of
> > Torch machines that use the beeb as the I/O processor...
>Yep. An aquaintance had one of those given to him. (a big two-tone brown
>metal case, with a BBC, a Z80, SASI/SCSI card, MFM convertor the lot

I've got the 68000 version of this in the back of a (strengthened) 
top cupboard.  Tried flogging it on eBay a few years back, but didn't 
get very far.  It DID work at the time, but after several moves 
around the house, it stopped doing so..

If anybody strong wants to take it off my hands (I can see I'm never 
going to get around to looking at it again; it's hard enough finding 
time and room to play with the B's I much prefer) and has something 
interesting to swap for it, then please pipe up!  I think it's going 
to be a collection job (from Salford) as it's liable to be a bit 
fragile for posting..

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