Date : Mon, 06 Mar 2006 15:47:39 +0000
From : "Kris Adcock" <kris@...>
Subject: Re: Basic & BBC Basic
--- "W.Scholten" <whs@...> wrote:
> L.S.
> I was being a bit unfriendly in my last posting, sorry about that (for
> the rest of the list readers other than Kris), and I might be wrong of
I was just in the process of writing my own apology when you sent this. My
reply wasn't very friendly either, and I'm sorry about that. I hope there's
no hard feelings on any side.
> course in my assertion that Basic is not acronym, but just make it
> clear, I've not seen any evidence to support the acronym case.
> Supposedly it comes from an unpublished paper by Kurtz, and for example
> wikipedia claims it's not a backronym, but I'll only buy it if I can
Out of interest: what is a Bacronym? I've never seen that word before! I'm
guessing it's an acronym that's applied retrospectively?
All the best,