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Date   : Tue, 07 Mar 2006 07:14:36 -0800
From   : Angus Duggan <angus_beeb@...>
Subject: Re: Elite docking

John Kortink wrote:
> On Tue, 07 Mar 2006 12:24:52 +0000, Jon Ripley wrote:
>> Mark Usher wrote:
>>>> You only have to manually dock your ship at a space station 
>>>> once, after that, if the tech level of the planet is high 
>>>> enough you can buy an docking computer which does all the 
>>>> hard work for you.
>>> And how "on earth" do you expect to buy a docking station with only 100
>>> credits to start. I am sure you cannot get to the price of a docking
>>> computer after the first docking by trading? Or do you fly around, building
>>> up your credits by shooting pirates with a pulse laser! Lol... Only to get
>>> zapped just before being ready to land... 
>> The best way I have found to rack up a lot of credits by blasting 
>> pirates is to go to an anarchy system and fly out into deep space, every 
>> five or so jumps a horde of pirates appear ready to be blasted.  They 
>> tend to drop a lot of contraband which can be collected and sold.
> Or, if you feel up to it skill-wise, go to 'Witch
> Space' with lots of Thargoids to kill (ready to
> do you the same favour). Away from the docking
> station, While going steeply 'up', at speed,
> press J (hyperspace).

Just don't try this in Elite-A (my altered version). Thargoids are *much* 
meaner. The best way to dock safely is to get lined up a long way out, and 
come in slowly, matching the rotation. I find it easiest to use the keyboard 
for control. If use use the rotation damper, you will find a rhythm of 
pressing and releasing the rotation key that matches the station. Once you've 
got rhythm, you can hold it a little longer to catch up, or release a little 
longer to lag the station.

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