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Date   : Thu, 09 Mar 2006 13:41:52 +0000
From   : Rob <robert@...>
Subject: Re: *TV 255,1 & Monitor headaches.

At 11:35 09/03/2006, Fragula wrote:

>Oddly, some of the cheaper "generic" chinese stuff is pretty good. Big
>name brands are the worst.
>... I wonder how much it would cost to have the Acron Model C knocked
>out in China???

Probably about 65p.. Well, they can get an entire Commodore 64 +disk 
drives emulation in the bottom of a joystick you can plug into a telly...

I would suspect the major cost in any re-implementation would be in 
the tremendous quantity of expansion sockets without which it 
wouldn't really be a beeb !
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