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Date   : Thu, 09 Mar 2006 13:44:21 -0000
From   : "David Hunt" <dm.hunt@...>
Subject: Re: Warning: Sad case on list!

> I changed the program so only lines are drawn rather than points, it

Ooops, forgot to add the code!

   10 MODE2:VDU23;8202;0;0;0;
   20 *FX9
   30 C%=0:AR=-2.1:AI=-1.2:S=3:D=S/1280:G%=0:TIME=0
   40 REPEAT
   50   FORY%=C%TO1024STEP16
   60     U%=0:G%=0
   70     FORX%=0TO1280STEP4
   80       CR=X%*D+AR:CI=Y%*D+AI:ZR=CR:ZI=CI:I%=0
   90       REPEAT
  100         A=ZR*ZR:B=ZI*ZI:L=SQR(A+B):ZI=2*ZR*ZI+CI:ZR=A-B+CR:I%=I%+1
  110       UNTIL L>2 OR I%>15
  120       IFG%<>I%THENGCOL0,G%:G%=I%:MOVEU%,Y%:DRAWX%,Y%:U%=X%
  130     NEXT
  140     GCOL0,I%:DRAW 1280,Y%
  150   NEXT
  160   C%=C%+4
  170 UNTIL C%=16
  180 T%=TIME
  190 P=GET
  200 PRINTT%DIV6000;"m ";T%MOD60;"s"

Dave ;)
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