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Date   : Fri, 10 Mar 2006 15:27:12 +0000
From   : Rob <robert@...>
Subject: Re: Them pesky case stickers (was 1MHZ SCSI/ATA

At 21:21 09/03/2006, Michael McConnell wrote:

>Folks at my day-job stick them on the toilets....

hehehe... I've got a Pentium III sticker on the clear tape cartridge 
case I use as a wallet, (I think it was a travan cart, just right 
size for to put the various debit/credit cards in) still just about 
visible under all the tape holding it together because the hinge failed...

>(and, for my machine names... pretty random, but my work WinNT machine is
>nicknamed "Damnthing".)

I had one job where I named all the client machines after fruit & 
veg, in alphabetical order of course.  Apple, Banana, Cucumber, 
Damson, Erm....  Someone else used planets at another client, then 
immediately became unstuck when they added a few more machines and 
he'd already run out..

At home I (now) use characters from the Discworld novels.  My main 
samba fileserver (0.5TB) was for a long time called 'luggage'..

I used to use colours for machines, until I ran out, octarine for #8 
led me into the current scheme; I've still got a 486sx in the attic 
called "blue" that'll have FreeBSD 2.something on it, running DNS, 
Web, Mail and FTP, servers, plus a RealMedia server and god knows 
what else - from about 1996 when I was on Nynex's Cable Modem Trial 
(2Mbps up & downstream... wheeee!) before C&W took them over, and 
decided that the future was digital TV and not Internet, and scrapped 
it all.  Going back to dial-up was hard after that ... I was first on 
the list at Freeserve getting ADSL installed..

The house network now has about 4 active windows PCs, 4 active 
windows laptops, 4 FreeBSD based servers (two running jails, so 
contributing two more virtual servers each), an Asterisk@... server, 
iolan serial box, 2 networked lasers, 3 TiVos, a Wireless Access 
Point, a 4-way IP-video server, plus a variety of other kit that 
isn't permanently in use or I've just simply forgotten about.

The iolan (just to keep this vaguely on topic) I've used to connect 
beebs to the LAN with (just terminal emulation -> serial -> telnet 
access so far), plus provides a PPP port for TiVo 3's network connectivity.

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