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Date   : Sun, 12 Mar 2006 15:23:02 +0000
From   : Fragula <fragula@...>
Subject: NFS/FDFS: Problems, Documentation, disks, and other distracting thoughts.

Hi Phil!

More digging, found more beeb treasure, but more of that later.

The "leaflet" on the FDFS isn't a leaflet at all, its a letter written
and signed, either by the chap that sent it to me many years ago, or his
pet spider.

Gives basic info on the connections, boot sequence, meanings of lights
etc. Might be worth scanning (perhaps changing the names to protect the
innocent) or rewording into a .txt file dya think?

I also have the "SJ Research File Server User Manual", but that is more
geared to client users than admins. D'ya think there might be any demand
out there for a scan of this. (with "propery of XXXXX" edited off the

The FDFS doesn't (apart from the flakey boot drive, now replaced.) seem
to be the problem, as it ups, runs, flashes the right lights, talks
properly (apart from the "I'm a Banana" runaway loop thing its always
done occasionally, which it rather reassuringly still does.) via the
serial ports, formats and copies disks etc like a gem, blanks password
files and does all sorts of glorious self-explanatory things. Oh. and it
boots, but won't let me log in.

So, its possibly the NFS ROM in my Model B. ISTR the FDFS was fussy
about which version of NFS was used. Do you remember??? Until recently,
I always ran the NFS in a static RAM, but can't remember which version.
(BBC Too Reliable!)

I've got later ones (than the 3.34 thats in the machine at the mo) as
disk images. Somewhere<tm>)

I guess I could just slam in a master, but I'm hell-bent on using the
model B. WITH DFDC DFS/ADFS etc., WITH NFS, and with the Integra-b
(which is out at the mo..) its just a matter of finding/resolving all
the incompatibilites.

Again. :-/


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