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Date   : Sun, 12 Mar 2006 23:22:07 -0000
From   : "Mark Usher" <mu.list@...>
Subject: Re: Econet<>Ethernet, more distracting thoughts.

> The econet implementation in BeebEm which I wrote, and Mike 
> Wyatt actually got working, uses Econet-over-UDP to 
> communicate - you can run emulators on different PCs on a LAN 
> and they will talk.  At present I don't have anything other 
> than B's or Masters so have never seen "real" 
> econet-over-ethernet, but my intent was to make it 
> inter-operable, so an emulated Beeb would be able to 
> communicate with a real one, or at least a later Acorn 
> machine with ethernet on it..

That's a big relief to hear. I was going to start looking at passing the
packets to the interface that Phil has made as soon as I receive one. It
would be good if we could add an option to BeebEm to pass out the packets
over (selected) network interface.

Another step would be to alter one of the BBS packages to work over Econet,
if there isn't already, and then we may have a chance of routing packets
over the Internet instead of doing dial up.

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