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Date   : Tue, 14 Mar 2006 14:03:21 +0000
From   : Andrew Benham <adsb@...>
Subject: Re: Model B compatibility on a Master

Paul J wrote:

> Have heard there was an upgrade you could get for a Master, possibly by vine
> micros, to make it more compatible with earlier software written for model
> B.

I've got some vague recollection of this, but I can't remember details.
It might be mentioned in an old Beebug magazine - I'll look at the
indexes later.

> Can anyone provide any more info on this, or on any other options available
> to help with sotware compatibility on the Master.

I have a Vine Micros ROM Overlay board in my Master128, and I recall
using it to overlay the &C000-&FFFF area with a copy of OS 1.20 so
that the machine appeared to be a model B.  I can't remember if it
was a modified OS 1.20, or vanilla.

Andrew Benham           adsb@...       
Southgate, London N14, United Kingdom

The gates in my computer are AND OR and NOT, not "Bill".
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