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Date   : Wed, 15 Mar 2006 17:06:38 +0000
From   : Jules Richardson <julesrichardsonuk@...>
Subject: Re: 1MHZ SCSI/ATA board

Fragula wrote:
> Howdy Phil!
> Phil Blundell wrote:
>>> Err.. Didn't somebody mutter summit about having images of the actual
>>> 286 ROMS?
>> Oh, err, um.  Not that I noticed, but that isn't saying much.  Anybody
>> want to own up to that?
> Was about to suggest a rip of Jules's, but it transpires they are M512. :-/

Yep :-(

But I don't know if there ever even was a specific "releasable" 286 ROM set 
for them anyway. Presumably at first Acorn had something bodged together - 
maybe the M512 was just around the corner and the existing ABC range doing so 
badly that it all just morphed into a M512 dev platform anyway. Perhaps no 
serious 286-only code (on the OS side of things) ever existed for the boards.

Martyn Gilbert and then Paul Swindell were the two names mentioned to me as 
being involved in the M512 development work, but I'm not sure if they were 
also responsible for the original 286 copro or not. Neither are people who 
I've had any dealing with, but I can ask around and see if anyone knows their 

> If you need, I can probably mail images of ROMs of my M512 this eves.
> Can't remember what they are.. ISTR quite small, probably 2516 or 2532
> or summit. (which I may have a very few of..) My prommer can almost
> definitely read 'em.. Also can't remember if they are marked as HI and
> LO, but I'll work that out.

I just realised that for some stupid reason I archived the ones from my 286 
board in ASCII-HEX format :-(

No idea why I did that - I can write a converter to binary in a few mins if 
needs be, I suppose, but grr!

> The M512 is now happy running in a U2P box on the model B now. (With a
> rather kludgy combination of FS/Tube Host etc. ROMs at the mo.. However,
> tis progress.) 

That's a point, does anyone hoard spare TUBE ULA chips? Just wondering what 
the stock out there is like in case any of the ones in any of my copros die 
(actually, I know my spare 4MB 32016 board is missing one for starters)

> Gahh.. Spent a lot of time last night, too proud to ask you guys, too
> lazy to reach for a book, figureing out what the (6502) TSX mnemonic
> stood for, until my head hurt.
> To save a repeat performance, does anybody remember if that is on the
> 6502A ordinaire, or if its an "enhanced" instruction.

Bugger, somewhere I had a really nice table of which opcodes went with which 
CPU, but I can't think where I saw it now!  I'm sure others far more 
knowledgeable on here will just know, though :-)


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