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Date   : Wed, 15 Mar 2006 17:09:39 +0000
From   : Fragula <fragula@...>
Subject: Re: 1MHZ SCSI/ATA board

Jules Richardson wrote:

> I suspect that was me, muttering about wanting a copy of the ROMs (if
> they even exist as such)!
Nope.. Me, fairly accurately, remembering:


Jules Richardson wrote:
> David Hunt wrote:
>> In theory (I believe) if we could extract the BIOS ROM from the
>> 6502/Z80/32016/80186/80286/68000 2nd Processors
> I *almost* have all of those on disk here - just missing the Casper 68K
> ones I think (although I have the Torch 68K ones).


...But impeccably forgetting:


> I'm still looking for genuine '286 ones, if they ever actually existed -
> the '286 powered ABC machines were pressed into service by Acorn for
> Master 512 development, so they all ended up with Master 512 ROMs (which
> is what my board has). I'm not even sure if Acorn ever even got to the
> point of fitting the '286 copro with its own ROM, or if it was such a
> stillborn project that they immediately started life as Master 512 dev
> boxes...


But if that's the case, the M512 ROMs can be considered, if not are, the
de-facto article to have. Oh.. unless anybody remembers "protected mode"
(or whatever 286 feature there was) and can think of a sensible use for
it, outside of a Minix port.

Hmm.. There was some good trick for a 286 with 1M (i.e. more than 640K)
of RAM.. Or was it "more than a meg"? (286 has 24 bit address bus?)

I'm sure it will come to me at some completely inopportune moment, on a
clifftop, in the middle of noplace, population : 0.

I'll have to scribble it on a leaf, using a blunt pebble, in the rain,
while being attacked by seagulls, or something. And then I'll probably
loose the leaf on the way home.

That's life. Or is it just me?


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