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Date   : Wed, 29 Mar 2006 20:40:08 +0100
From   : Fragula <fragula@...>
Subject: Re: Announcing 65Link 2.10

John Kortink wrote:
> Version 2.10 of 65Link is now available.
> It can now also make use of a PC running (x86) Linux as a
> host 

Ooooooh!  I don't suppost this has a serial ports/null modem mode does it?

My Linux box and beebs are currently far apart, too far for serial but I
happen to have cat.5 flooded through the house, and serial<>cat5
adaptors both ways.

Not that I think you should do a special version for me, but I wonder
how many others have similar dilemmas? Strikes me that, because its
slower, a serial port version might be less usfull, but usefull to more
people. BICBW.


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