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Date   : Wed, 29 Mar 2006 22:41:12 +0100
From   : Kris Adcock <kris@...>
Subject: Re: Announcing 65Link 2.10

In message <F5E0011E-8261-44C9-B456-553A7C2ADE72@...>
          Andy Armstrong <andy@...> wrote:

> On 28 Mar 2006, at 17:15, John Kortink wrote:
>> By the way, if anyone wants to do a Mac version or
>> do a nice GUI version for PC or Linux, contact me.
> I could put some time into a Mac version in a couple of weeks?

I'd be interested in doing that (or helping) too - but does any modern 
Mac have a parallel port? What would you use as the interface instead? 
I'm currently messing with some USB stuff (using PICs) at the moment - 
I suppose that could be a way of doing it. Hmm ... cute Mac Mini 
acting as a filestore for my Beeb ...

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