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Date   : Thu, 30 Mar 2006 21:59:38 +0100
From   : "Colin" <cwhill@...>
Subject: Re: Was Exile now off topic 

> >Mike Tomlinson wrote:
> >
> >>I didn't take your response as unfriendly, but have enjoyed this
> >>discussion.  It keeps the list more active and interesting, like the
> >>recent spelling/grammar threads. :)
> >>
> >>To those complaining about such discussion being off-topic: this is a
> >>closed, small mailing list, not Usenet.
> >>
> >>M.
> >>
> >But a BBC Micro mailing list nonetheless.  I subscribed to it for BBC
> >information, not posts about grammar.
> >
> I can only speak for myself, but those small OT discussions give to the
> a gentle touch I would not lost (if not too frequent, that's it).
It's always a good idea to put OT or "off topic" in the subject line when
dealing with non-BBC-related stuff and then we can just hit the "delete"
button can't we? That usually happens but, just occasionally, the subject
header remains although the content has changed. Just what has this topic to
do with Exile?
I am quite happy to read (and contribute to) off-topic stuff if it's
I hope that this list will remain a user-friendly one and not be restricted
just to technical references. I'm not an electrical engineer and wouldn't
know a resistor from a capacitor but I am interested in many aspects of the
Beeb and tend to take the off-topic stuff with a pinch of salt anyway. I
really don't care if someone top-posts, bottom posts, sideways or upside
down. I also appreciate the fact that there are people in the world who have
trouble with grammar/spelling/reading/writing etc  (I am on another list
that has several members with dyslexia) or just hit the wrong key and, as
long as I can understand it, I don't really care if it's punctuated
correctly or not. I presume that the person is doing their best, not your
best, but their best.
After spending many years campaigning for the disabled (my son has Down
syndrome), I have learned to appreciate that it can be very hurtful to
criticise someone who, for whatever reason, makes simple errors or doesn't
know enough about net etiquette. It really isn't nice to be told that you
are thick by someone who probably has several university degrees when you
have left school with nothing as some people do. Many are quite aware of
their failings/ignorance in this field and don't really need to be reminded
about them or have their faces rubbed in it.
Other than that, Off-topic is fine with me.
Colin Hill
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