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Date   : Fri, 31 Mar 2006 22:24:32 +0100
From   : wookie <wooky@...>
Subject: Re: Announcing 65Link 2.10

Fragula wrote:
>>>My Linux box and beebs are currently far apart, too far for serial but I
>>Just how big is your house ? 
> Doh.. That's should have read parallel (if i spelled that right!) <:*)
> .. But you knew that, right?

;-D that's why I listed the distances

>>If you keep the speed down you should get a
>>couple of thousand feet :-) even a couple hundred feet at 9600 baud.
> So what's the story with LPDFS? It rings a bell, but I can't quite place

Quick recap, at Preston Poly they had a bunch of bbc-b's hooked upto the 
PR1ME mainframe as dumb terminals via their serial ports. Each beeb had 
a eprom in it called LPDFS that had two parts to it...

1. a terminal emulator (5 types to choose from)

2. a DFS like file system that used the PR1ME mainframe as storage

Now JGH has commented that it's badly written, I'm not up on 6502 
assembly code so I'll bow to his judgement on that, but what I'm trying 
to do is write some software that will run on linux to act as the remote 
storage it expects to find.

So far not much success, I've started dissasmbling the code but my 
knowledge of 6502 is limited, so I have logged what LPDFS sends for 
various commands and tried to work from that end aswell.

*. sends 22,51,29,22,30,23,21,41,30,4D,31,22,0D

That sequence make any sense to anyone ?
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