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Date   : Fri, 31 Mar 2006 21:58:55 +0100
From   : Fragula <fragula@...>
Subject: Re: Was Exile now off topic

Hi Andy!

A.J. Davis wrote:
> I find it has a 'warmer' feel to it. People can post without worrying
> that every word of their post will be scrutinised for grammar and
> spelling.

> It still has technical discussions, and covers many varying topics but
> not to the electrical-degree type level used here.  John Kortink even
> pops on with shameless plugs so it must be good!

What I don't understand is that nobody has been complaining about *my*
posts.. double periods indiscriminately dotted everywhere.. Not to
mention the constant whining about why things don't work, when it's
obvious that I could RTFM (i have my new glasses:-) or use google, but
just prefer to play "ask the experts".

I suppose there are limits.. Like I just put two (one quite poorly, one
with a couple of iffy keys.) M128's back in the attic, and grabbed the
"Viglen Master System" down, stuffed a turbo board in it, went to pop in
the econet module I yoinked (see! made-up words!) out of the other one,
and realised there were too many holes down south, or not enough pins,
depending on whether you are the board on the module.

After a few seconds of double take. I thought. "It's ok, I'll just
ask.." I mean, you guys only exist to serve my nefarious ends, right?

And When the Harston's, Kortink's, Sprowson's and Blundell's of this
world release a great piece of free software, what do I do? I moan. (Wot
no RS423?, Why you wasting half a sector?) see what I mean. I try not to
moan too hard, as i'm planning on aquiring ARM2Ps and various things
when i've bedded my existing kit down in its rightfull corner, and we
(improper use of Royal We) don't want to get sent any seconds. ;->

And, I even start sentences with "And" and "But", then get lost half way
 through them.

But I don't see it as a shortcoming, its more a public service cum
devil's advocate type thing.. Programmers (hah!) suffer from "Target
fixation", "scope creep" and such things. Need to be kept on track with
the big picture.

Which I'll scan and email a link to as erm... as soon as i find out what
the big picture is. ;->

Now.. if I go and plug this econet module in randomly until something
happens... I can always come back and whine like a spoiled poodle (or
Violet Rose, doesn anybody remember Violet Rose?) if it doesn't work,
the magic smoke pours out, or whatever. And even if it does work, I'll
think of something else that doesn't. I've lots of things like that.



(Who's off to move some boxes so he can reach the shelf to get TFM to R.)
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