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Date   : Fri, 31 Mar 2006 21:48:36 +0100
From   : Jules Richardson <julesrichardsonuk@...>
Subject: Re: Was Exile now off topic

A.J. Davis wrote:
> Colin wrote:
>> Maybe so (I also have the same degree as yourself although probably a few
>> less burns). The problem is, one can often see one's own mistakes in 
>> those
>> posts which can result in a reluctance to contribute, so as not to 
>> advertise
>> one's own fallibilities.
>> To be pedantic about the use of an apostrophe or two seems, to me, to
>> indicate a case of "get a life" more than "intellectuals only please". At
>> least I hope so.
>> Perhaps we should have an entrance examination before joining?
>> Colin Hill (expecting to be banned at any moment)
> Maybe you'd enjoy the BBC forum on www.stairwaytohell.com

Ahh, if only that were a mailing list and not a web-based monstrosity ;) (I'm 
not much of a fan of using the web for stuff that works perfectly well with 
existing tools!)

Personally I like the balance on this list - not too much off-topic stuff, but 
there is a little which is nice. It'd be a bit boring I think if every single 
post was on topic!

Spelling / grammar - I don't know, I tend to be a bit picky about it, but that 
doesn't mean to say that I don't make my own mistakes often enough (I'm happy 
for people to point them out, though)


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