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Date   : Fri, 31 Mar 2006 19:36:16 +0100
From   : "A.J. Davis" <mail@...>
Subject: Re: Was Exile now off topic

Colin wrote:

>Maybe so (I also have the same degree as yourself although probably a few
>less burns). The problem is, one can often see one's own mistakes in those
>posts which can result in a reluctance to contribute, so as not to advertise
>one's own fallibilities.
>To be pedantic about the use of an apostrophe or two seems, to me, to
>indicate a case of "get a life" more than "intellectuals only please". At
>least I hope so.
>Perhaps we should have an entrance examination before joining?
>Colin Hill (expecting to be banned at any moment)
Maybe you'd enjoy the BBC forum on www.stairwaytohell.com

I find it has a 'warmer' feel to it. People can post without worrying 
that every word of their post will be scrutinised for grammar and 

It still has technical discussions, and covers many varying topics but 
not to the electrical-degree type level used here.  John Kortink even 
pops on with shameless plugs so it must be good!

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