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Date   : Fri, 31 Mar 2006 21:32:11 +0100
From   : "Colin" <cwhill@...>
Subject: Re: Now Roms including Was Exile now off topic 

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "A.J. Davis" <mail@...>
To: "BBC Micro Mailing List" <bbc-micro@...>
Sent: Friday, March 31, 2006 7:36 PM
Subject: Re: [BBC-Micro] Was Exile now off topic

> Colin wrote:
> >Maybe so (I also have the same degree as yourself although probably a few
> >less burns). The problem is, one can often see one's own mistakes in
> >posts which can result in a reluctance to contribute, so as not to
> >one's own fallibilities.
> >To be pedantic about the use of an apostrophe or two seems, to me, to
> >indicate a case of "get a life" more than "intellectuals only please". At
> >least I hope so.
> >Perhaps we should have an entrance examination before joining?
> >Colin Hill (expecting to be banned at any moment)
> >
> >
> >
> Maybe you'd enjoy the BBC forum on www.stairwaytohell.com
> I find it has a 'warmer' feel to it. People can post without worrying
> that every word of their post will be scrutinised for grammar and
> spelling.
> It still has technical discussions, and covers many varying topics but
> not to the electrical-degree type level used here.  John Kortink even
> pops on with shameless plugs so it must be good!
> Andy
Can't find anything to disagree with in the last two posts (grrr) and do
apologise for top posting occasionally, but out of several lists I am on,
this is the only one that does it.
Anyway back to topic.
Having brutally heaved out a couple of ROMs from my BBC  B, I seem to have
snapped off a leg or two  (not my own legs, I hasten to add). I am sure
there must have been a tool to remove them but, being ham-fisted, they came
out at an angle.
Is there a way to repair them (I only have basic kit - a soldering iron,
flux and solder) and no electronic testing tools. I am hoping there may be a
set routine for this.
Colin Hill
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