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Date   : Sun, 09 Apr 2006 19:58:51 +0100
From   : Fragula <fragula@...>
Subject: Re: 8 bitter list (Was: Re: Keyboard)

Hi Jules!

Jules Richardson wrote:

> Yep... those of us on the list seem to know what subjects are ok to post
> about and what aren't - I suppose my worry is that there are fans of
> pre-BBC hardware out there not subscribed to the list who'll see "BBC
> micro mailing list" and so not bother joining. It'd be a shame to lose
> them (particularly as there's a lot of shared circuitry and code across
> the whole range!)
Indeed. We can try and make this mailing list easy to find by posting
"seed" messages that mention Acorn System 1, Acorn System 2, Acorn
System 3, Acorn Atom etc. in nice google<spit>freindly chunks. Also its
nice to mention that these devices are On Topic in here.

> Having something like the "Acorn 8 bit list" makes it completely obvious
> to outsiders that the list is open to all the early Acorn machines...
True. But then probably most folks who will feel a need to find this
will be searching for "BBC Micro" or "Model B", or somesuch. <sigh>
Can't win.

> But then via the ARM1 and BBC BASIC, the 32 bit machines are direct
> descendants of the BBC ;-)
Can't argue that, having read some stuff by Roger/Sophie about selection
of characteristics for the ARM, and myself being someone who leaned back
then from 8080/Z80 toward 6502, and now from CISC toward RISC,
idealising microcodeless, and preferably instruction sequencerless,
models, I can see a fair bit more than a slight artistic resemblance.
More a (muchly grown) extension of the same underlying ethos.

Hmm.. (reads back) Only two glasses of wine, and I haven't had my soak
in the bath yet. ;->


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