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Date   : Tue, 24 Oct 2006 12:37:07
From   : Charlie.Robson@...
Subject: Re: [OT] Spam Coming through mailing list

Me three.

             Austin Pass
             ingertip-solution                                          To
             s.co.uk>                  Colin
             Sent by:                  <cwhill@...>,
             Majordomo List            <bbc-micro@...>
             Manager                                                    cc
             .co.uk>                                               Subject
                                       Re: [BBC-Micro] [OT] Spam Coming
                                       through mailing list
             24/10/2006 11:05

On 23/10/06 22:58, "Colin" <cwhill@...> wrote:

> I don't think this is coming via the list.
> It's easy (as I am sure you know) to use a fictitious email address without
> the owner knowing about it.
> I certainly haven't had any messages through like this (not from the list
> anyway).
> I think someone has just selected it as a way of sending you stuff (sounds
> like they may know you or, at least, be signed up on the list though,
> doesn't it) ?
> Don't think there is much anyone can do except to suggest you replace one on
> your filter if it becomes too much.
> Colin Hill

I'm getting it quite regularly as well.

Subjects a variation on V*IAGRA with the wildcard replaced with a variety of
vowels.  About 3 a day at the moment, all exactly as James describes.

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