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Date   : Thu, 26 Oct 2006 22:08:09 +0100
From   : cwhill@... (Colin)
Subject: [OT] Where's the love?

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Jules Richardson" <julesrichardsonuk@...>
To: "xx BBC micro mailing list" <bbc-micro@...>
Sent: Thursday, October 26, 2006 5:09 PM
Subject: Re: [BBC-Micro] [OT] Where's the love?

> Samwise wrote:
> > OK, where's the community spirit gone?!
> Shhh, it's sleeping!

Ok, so I'm still here for now as it looks like my unsubscribe message didn't
get through! You are stuck with me for a while.
Sorry I rose to the bait but I really was trying to offer an honest attempt
to defend the list which wasn't forwarding Spam.
I feel this needs to be said and understood.
I'm not a BBC whiz, just a user who still like the basic (pun intended)
qualities of those first machines which, at the time, we had to think long
and hard about buying due to their price (did I really pay that much?)..
Most of the technical stuff is way beyond my knowledge but I enjoy reading
how some of you have come up with new ideas etc and have gone to the trouble
of keeping these machines and their programs available, working and archived
into the 21st century.
I'm sure there are many more like me around. Unable to offer technical
support/knowledge but still full of admiration for those that can and, for
the most part, do so willingly and without restriction.
I suppose all lists will have some who look down on those less able than
themselves whilst the majority are happy to come down several levels to
educate and instruct those like me. In that way, the Beeb will continue to
live and gain new followers.
Cheers guys,
Colin Hill

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Jules Richardson" <julesrichardsonuk@...>
To: "xx BBC micro mailing list" <bbc-micro@...>
Sent: Thursday, October 26, 2006 5:09 PM
Subject: Re: [BBC-Micro] [OT] Where's the love?

> Samwise wrote:
> > OK, where's the community spirit gone?!
> Shhh, it's sleeping!
> Everyone's still here I guess and just letting the anti-community brigade
> a little whine... I'm sure it'll be business as usual again soon. Remember
> that the list seems to go through periodic quiet patches anyway - it's
> happened to coincide with a few less-than-savoury posts, that's all.
> > In fact, would it help if we asked
> > for people to post [RISCOS] or [ATOM] in the subject so they can be
> > filtered?
> Arghhh! :-)
> > *GROUP HUG* ...
> I'm about 4000 miles away from most of you right now. My arms ain't that
long :-)
> cheers
> Jules
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