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Date   : Fri, 10 Nov 2006 13:13:32 -0000
From   : mu.list@... (Mark Usher)
Subject: Solidisk 1770 BBC B upgrade (first edition) Drive

The first edition Solidisk 1770 upgrade is notoriously bad regarding DFS

As far as I can remember the Acorn ADFS will not work with this upgrade and
you must use a STLADFS ROM. Again, you will have to try and find which
version is compatible with the version 1 upgrade and least bug free.

There are plenty of the images at The BBC Lives



> -----Original Message-----
> From: bbc-micro-bounces+mu.list=aon.at@... 
> [mailto:bbc-micro-bounces+mu.list=aon.at@...] 
> On Behalf Of adam colley
> Sent: 10 November 2006 12:41
> To: bbc-micro@...
> Subject: [BBC-Micro] Solidisk 1770 BBC B upgrade (first 
> edition) Drive 1problem
> Hihi
> Finally got the solidisk upgrade sort of working, however the 
> machine it's now in previously had a (defunct) Opus DDOS 
> upgrade fitted, after trying 3 different Solidisk ROMs got 
> one that sort of works in that the first drive works fine, I 
> can format double density disks etc.
> Unfortunately when I try to access the second drive, both 
> lights come on and disk fault 18 appears... this is 
> especially troublesome as the second drive is a 3.5" used for 
> transferring files to and from the PC with Omniflop...
> I notice as part of the Opus upgrade two red devices were fitted to
> IC86 and IC87 with just a wire link in each connecting two 
> pins, I'm wondering if this is correct...
> The Solidisk upgrade came with an EPROM programmer I was 
> given and without roms, instructions or other parts so any 
> clues as to what might be wrong would be appreciated.
> Incidentally PAGE is at &1800 instead of &1900 as you might 
> expect with this DFS
> Now to find an ADFS that'll work with it -.-
> (Note that this is the original non-acorn compliant upgrade)
> --
> Hideki.Adam
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