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Date   : Sat, 25 Nov 2006 21:59:49 -0000
From   : dominic@... (BRAHMS)
Subject: Econet things...

I've got my first few beebs with Econet interfaces and would quite like to
play with them. 

I'd like to lash up a clock box over the next few days but don't have any 
line drivers to hand. Does anybody know, could I just do something quick
and dirty with opposing 5V/0V signals on the opposing clock+/- lines or is
that insufficient? (To start off with I just want to connect a couple of

In the longer run I've been thinking of making a USB->Econet adaptor so I
can serve files from Linux...with the right software we could all connect
up over the internet???

Does anybody know of any alternatives to the ADLC 68B54 that are readily
available? If not would it be reasonable to try and emulate one using a microcontroller?

I'm also guessing; all the other line driver circuitry can be any old ISO-422
compliant chips I can source (there seems to be plenty of choice on RS)


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