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Date   : Sat, 25 Nov 2006 21:43:37 -0000
From   : dominic@... (BRAHMS)
Subject: Possibly daft Sideways RAM questions...

I've recently got a BBC B with a sidways RAM chip. However I've no software
and also the flying leads for what looks like W/_R and select were disconnected. 

After much digging and mucking about I've come up with:

Red Probe, (chip select???) to IC 76, pin 11
Black (r/w) to IC 77 pin 8

This "seems" to work, in that after getting hold of Sprow's ROMLoad software 
and hacking about with it (INKEY(-256) returns -1 not 1!) it detects a sidways
RAM at bank 14 and tries to load the software.  (Also the Write Enable switch
seems to work as switching it off causes Sprow's ROMLOAD to say it can't
find any sidways RAM)

Pressing BREAK does not seem to bring the software up though (I'm trying
to load arkanoid on rom, the rom image of which comes up great on my Master).

I'd also like to identify the type of upgrade it is. Its in a slightly domed 
package that fits in a ROM socket about 3 times the height of a rom. It 
has a gold sticker with a black circle and the letters RAM on it and as mentioned
a black and red flying lead with logic probe thing on end. The black (r/w)
lead also has a toggle switch in.

Any help greatly appreciated...

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