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Date   : Sat, 18 Aug 2007 09:55:22 +1200
From   : mjfoot@... (Michael Foot)
Subject: Troubleshooting Techniques (was: Acquired Beeb with

In message <d8834d20708170446r124d17cife91e93bcc4905b6@...>
          Alex Taylor <zeem.uk@...> wrote:

> On 17/08/07, Ian Tonks <itonks@...> wrote:
> > This thread has got me thinking about a dead Master I've got lying around.
> > It appears to not boot because the 6502 is not starting because the reset is
> > being held high.
> Some time ago I posted on here asking for troubleshooting tips,
> because I've got a few tatty Beebs that only power up to a continuous
> tone. I got a reply pointing to a really useful document containing
> descriptions of what could cause this.
> I lost the link and can't find it despite much searching. Can anyone
> shed any light on this?

I think I know the one you're talking about. The site is defunct now, but
I saved a copy before it went and have uploaded it to:


Although it does not appear to cover the problem that Robert's machine had.



Michael Foot <mjfoot(at)paradise(dot)net(dot)nz> *
* Replace letters between () with @ and . when replying
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