Date : Mon, 20 Aug 2007 16:36:08 +0100
From : julesrichardsonuk@... (Jules Richardson)
Subject: Acorn Winchester formatting...
Fragula wrote:
> Andrew Benham wrote:
>>> (Whilst on the subject, if I've got the Winchester connected, is there a way
>>> of booting from an ADFS floppy in the floppy drive? The usual key combinations
>>> seem to just want to try booting from the hard drive. Merely curious if
>>> there's a way...)
>> If you're using a Master, then it's a CONFIGURE option.
>> >From memory, it's CONFIGURE FLOPPY/HARD.
>> On a Model B, I think you're stuck.
> Isn't there a keyboard switch combination for that?
> Ahh.. My poor memory.. my carefully pencilled-on AUG might have
> something about this.. now where did I put it... :-/
That's what I'd wondered too - if there was some sort of equivalent to using
the D/F key combinations, but which selected between floppy and hard disk.
It's not really a big deal if not, it just got me curious.
Hmm, actually I'll see if I can locate my copy of the Winchester service
manual; maybe it goes into this sort of detail in there...
Brief hiatus at the moment, as one of the noise suppression caps in the B+
system I was using for testing just decided it was time to fail - it looks
like a scene from The Fog downstairs :-)