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Date   : Mon, 20 Aug 2007 18:38:33 +0100
From   : julesrichardsonuk@... (Jules Richardson)
Subject: Acorn Winchester formatting...

Andrew Benham wrote:
> Jules Richardson wrote:
>> OK, I'll bite... anyone know where there's a copy? Unfortunately I don't have 
>> the ACW I/O utils disk (I believe it was on there - it's not on the PANOS 
>> utils disk at any rate), Google's being no help, and I couldn't see it on the 
>> STH or BBC Lives! sites...
> I have it at home, I'll send it tonight unless someone beats me to it.

Well, technically I've found it! The ACW service manual states that superform 
copies itself to the hard disk once formatted, so on a whim I hooked up one of 
my other ADFS-formatted drives - and indeed, there it is.

Can't for the life of me remember how to reference the floppy drive from ADFS 
[1] when a hard disk is present, though :-) (hard disk becomes unit 0, of 
course). Anyone recall? If I knew that bit I could copy superform from the 
hard disk to a floppy, then swap the needs-formatting hard disk in and 
(fingers crossed) format it.

[1] I asked that once before on here, many moons ago, and someone kindly told 
me - darned if I can find the message now, though :(


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