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Date   : Fri, 13 Mar 2009 20:06:31 +0000
From   : zeem.uk@... (Alex Taylor)
Subject: Microvitec Tripler

2009/3/13 Mike Tomlinson <mike@...>:

> Problem is the focus pot tends to crumble away to nothing. ?If it's left
> alone it's ok, but transplanting it to another chassis would almost
> certainly require it to be adjusted.

There are a couple of different types (see my comments below about
blue and green ones). I pulled apart the focus control on a blue one
and it's just a carbon track on plastic with a knob assembly that
clips to the front. It seemed to come apart and go back together
without any problems.

> To the OP: are you sure the tripler's bad? ?It's uncommon for it to
> fail.

I've had two blue ones fail with exactly the same fault, which was
that they drifted massively out of focus as they warmed up. I replaced
them with green ones salvaged from two other Cubs with much more
complicated faults.

Alex Taylor
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