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Date   : Fri, 13 Mar 2009 20:22:11 -0000
From   : jumbos.bazzar@... (Mark Haysman)
Subject: Microvitec Tripler


Thanks for the info. If the focus pot just seems to have 2 settings of 
blurry, or jumps around, then it is likely to be the pot, but if it goes 
smoothly from very blurry, to still-a-bit-blurry, or drifts as it warms up, 
then it's usually one of the resistors internal to the tripler that's given 
up, usually meaning to have to replace the whole lot.

For things like a TTL only 1431 I usually wouldn't bother and just scrap it, 
but on a really nice 1441 with the tube still 100% converged, I think it's 
worth spending a few quid on it to keep it up and running.


----- Original Message ----- 

> Problem is the focus pot tends to crumble away to nothing. If it's left
> alone it's ok, but transplanting it to another chassis would almost
> certainly require it to be adjusted.

There are a couple of different types (see my comments below about
blue and green ones). I pulled apart the focus control on a blue one
and it's just a carbon track on plastic with a knob assembly that
clips to the front. It seemed to come apart and go back together
without any problems.

> To the OP: are you sure the tripler's bad? It's uncommon for it to
> fail.

I've had two blue ones fail with exactly the same fault, which was
that they drifted massively out of focus as they warmed up. I replaced
them with green ones salvaged from two other Cubs with much more
complicated faults.

Alex Taylor

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