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Date   : Thu, 19 Mar 2009 19:40:26 -0000
From   : jumbos.bazzar@... (Mark Haysman)
Subject: Hardware questions

>> Ah... now this is different again. So the top two bytes are indirections.
>> Would I be correct in saying that as long as no test software is loaded,
>> these can be used for data? I'm assuming the MOS itself doesn't use these
>> otherwise it would be jumping to random data.
> The MOS does inspect &FDFE/FDFF.
> During the startup sequence it zeros the IRQ-copy-of-A with interrupts
> disabled and briefly reenables them. If IRQ-copy-of-A is corrupted it
> assumes the test hardware is plugged in and blindly jumps indirect to 
> &FDFE,
> Sprow.

So, can you not just blindly put  64K of SRAM with A8-15 controlled by a 
latch from FCFF, and the lower address and data bus connected to simply give 
you 64K of extra paged RAM? Will having RAM at FDFE and FDFF confuse the OS?

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