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Date   : Fri, 20 Mar 2009 16:49:07 -0000
From   : jumbos.bazzar@... (Mark Haysman)
Subject: Hardware questions

>>On a related note, do any of the techier electronics gurus here know of a
>>(cheap) simple USB device that would give high speed (~ 2Mhz) access to a
>>range of bidirectional i/o lines using API/DLL calls from Windows?
> That's a bit vague, but you may want to look here :
> http://www.vinculum.com/prd_vdip1.html

The VNC1L is a USB host, and is the opposite of what he's looking for. Try 




or one of it's associated eval boards based around the FT245, depending on 
exactly what you want to do at the other end.

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