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Date   : Fri, 20 Mar 2009 17:19:43 +0000
From   : robert@... (Rob)
Subject: BBC wont boot up

2009/3/20 Mark Haysman <jumbos.bazzar@...>:
> He's already replaced C9...the "starter". Once he's getting the Beep, the
> PSU has already started and is 99% more than likely NOT the cause of the
> problem, same as Mikes.
> It's going to be an issue on the main board. Apart from reseating ICs, or
> swapping socketed ICs out for good ones, it's time to break the scope out.

Ah, oops.. so what causes the problem I used to get at lot where a
machine would take longer and longer after applying power before it
would come on?  Is that the C9?  (I thought I remembered it
long-beeping during this time, but I trying to remember 20 years back,
so I'm probably confusing problems together.  I do remember that my
"solution" was not to actually switch them off...)
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