Date : Tue, 30 Jun 2009 15:06:44 +0100
From : robert@... (Rob)
Subject: Retro Software: first release - Zap!
2009/6/23 Rick Murray <rick@...>:
> Well, we mustn't forget those long-ago days when the blight of an AOL or
> CompuServe CD coming in the post was a common occurrence. I once got
> three in one day, each with different ways of writing my name (R Murray,
> Rick Murray, Richard Murray). They must have had money to throw away to
> send THREE to the same surname at the same address!
Back when compuserve software came on floppy, and you could request to
receive more online, I knew somebody who ordered a thousand of them,
simply to re-use the discs - they got them, too!