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Date   : Fri, 10 Jul 2009 21:50:33 +0100
From   : acorn@... (Andy Ford)
Subject: Using a B keyboard on a Master

For one of my little projects (to cut a long story short I had a spare 
working M128 board and an empty B case, so rather than hunting down a B 
board and a case for the M128) ;)

All's going well actually, although as I expected I cannot get the B 
keyboard to work.

I have soldered in a 17 way header to the Master's board in the spare 
location (PL7), although connecting a B keyboard to this does not work. 
Break works (but that I half expected!) , and the Caps Lock light 

I'd speculate I have to do something about the decoder circuitry now, as 
I can see from the Service Manual for the 128, that's part of the 
Master's board, whereas on a B its on the keyboard PCB itself.

I was wondering if there was a quick way of disabling this (if "that" is 
the solution) ? , I did search the list but was unable to find anything 
as its difficult to search for small phrases via Google.

I'd guess I'm not the first person wanting to do this (using a B 
keyboard on a Master) and any thoughts would be greatly appreciated as 
always :)

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