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Date   : Fri, 10 Jul 2009 22:37:39 +0100
From   : robert@... (Rob)
Subject: Using a B keyboard on a Master

2009/7/10 Andy Ford <acorn@...>:
> I was wondering if there was a quick way of disabling this (if "that" is
> the solution) ? , I did search the list but was unable to find anything
> as its difficult to search for small phrases via Google.

A quick glance at the circuit diagram points at IC16 as the keyboard
decoder - is it socketed?  If so, pull it out.

Otherwise there seems to be no links or jumpers to select it... if
it's not, snip pin 38, nKBEN (in a way that means you can solder it
back together again) and see if that helps...

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