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Date   : Sun, 19 Jul 2009 10:50:29 +0100
From   : robert@... (Rob)
Subject: FileStore battery

On 19/07/2009, Michael Foot <mjfoot@...> wrote:
> Hi All,
> The current talk about FileStores reminded me to take my one apart and check
> the battery. It was starting to go fuzzy so I have now unsoldered it. Am I
> right in thinking I can replace it with a M128 style battery pack OK? ie. 3
> AA, diode and resistor.

Hmm... I guess I'm going to need to know the same thing, when I get
around to opening up the E01..

> My FileStores are E01S and E60S. I've not seen or heard of another E60S at
> all. Is it quite rare? The serial number is 01-AEH37-1000305 which I assume
> is
> the 305th one made?

I think Rick Murray might have one -
http://www.heyrick.co.uk/econet/intro/servers.html Other than that,
I've never heard of another surviving..

If they really do issue serial numbers in order... I've now got the
8th E01 !  And either they changed the design of the cases between 8 &
84, or someone disassembled both the E01 & E20 on one set and put the
lids on back to front on both, as the vent slots have moved..

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