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Date   : Sun, 19 Jul 2009 12:09:18 +0200 (BST)
From   : johan@... (Johan Heuseveldt)
Subject: 6809 CoPro

Hi Jonathan,

On Sat 18 Jul, Jonathan Graham Harston wrote:
> > Message-ID: <Marcel-1.53-0717164340-313xSBG@...>
> Johan Heuseveldt wrote:

> > > When you've got a core OS working could you let me have a list of
> > > core MS calls to add to the Tube Documentation at mdfs.net/tube and
> > > to fill in the gaps at the BeebWiki.
> > 
> > I'm not sure what you mean by this;
> > 
> > Tube code will be a translation - at least to start with - of
> > the 6502 (65C102) Tube MOS 1.10, drawn from the Master Copro.
> Is http://mdfs.net/tube/6809/Client.src any use, which is a
> 6502 to 6809 translation of the 6502 tube client.

I gave it a quick look, and it looks very familiar! :-)
Didn't go any further than a few screen pages only, as I don't
want to be influenced!

> > Perhaps you have something else in mind, and I misunderstood?
> No, if that's it. So, the BeebWiki page OSGBPB section:

Apart from an occasional look, I don't go there. Even on Wintel
machine, I don't realy like the overall look with the loads of,
in my view, overhead of info and graphics etc.

I have to admit it's an old PC. P2 350 MHz. Soon I'll get my brother's
old machine; very 'new' compared to my present one! Perhaps things are
more smoothly, and more fun to view.

>   ==Entry points=
>   * BBC BASIC Entry Address: &FFD1
>   * 6502 Entry Address: &FFD1, vectors via &021A
>   * Z80 Entry Address: &FFD1, vectors via &FFD2
>   * 6809 Entry Address:
>   * 80x86 Entry Address: INT &41, vectors via 0000:0104
>   * 32000 Entry Address: SVC &0F
>   * PDP-11 Entry Address: EMT 11, vector &0B
>   * ARM Entry Address: SWI &0C "OS_GBPB", vector &0C
> just needs updating to say 6809 Entry Address: &FFD1, and similarly
> on other pages.

I'll see what I will end with. Indeed call adresses and vectors will
remain the same, which is a deliberate design issue.

> > Also note this is in many ways a test for me. Could I actually do
> > it, which is still to be seen!
> I would still like to build myself a hardware PDP-11 CoPro ;)

Well, if you're desperate; give me a part list, net lists and some
details of desired IC locations which are not too obvious. Also the
PCB form factor like Master internal or wedge external or whatever,
and I can cook something up.
Well, no sooner than coming winter or so! :-)


Johan Heuseveldt <johan@...              >
  aka  waarland

  The best place is a Riscy place

There's a seeker born every minute! - Jerry Falwel.
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