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Date   : Mon, 20 Jul 2009 03:28:03 +0100
From   : dm.hunt@... (David Hunt)
Subject: FileStore battery

> I really wish Acorn had not soldered Nicads onto the motherboards of all
> it's
> machines. I have 40-50 machines here and it's taken me hours to open then
> all
> up and remove the batteries! Some I've been too late to prevent damage but
> mostly that damage was done by the time I got them. One A540 is too far
> gone I
> think. Shame as they are very rare in N.Z.!

Phew! That's a lot 'o' boxes to sort out!

I think A540's are quite rare anywhere ;) They're certainly rarer than BBC
Model Bs and Master 128s.

I use vinegar and an electric toothbrush to clean up an area affected by
battery corrosion. Considering what might be in the cells, gloves are a wise
idea. I then desolder and replace, usually with a NiMH part depending on the
circuitry, some stuff actually bothers to regulate the charging and doesn't
like the fact you've substituted a NiCd for a MiMH...

On the 540 the battery is away from most stuff, and there is lacquer on the
tracks, thin, but its there. The battery in my 540 isn't like the usual
Mempac blob or the ones that are basically shrink-wrapped button cells
joined together, its more like a flying saucer on legs. Mine is still good,
but I have a feeling its previous owner might have changed the battery.

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