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Date   : Thu, 23 Jul 2009 09:35:38 +0100
From   : robert@... (Rob)
Subject: Fw: Fwd: ITV Teletext to shut down in January

On 23/07/2009, Jonathan Graham Harston <jgh@...> wrote:
>> Message-ID: <2f806cd70907221013i7d06ab95q34258f7758649de9@...>
> Rob wrote:
>> advertising per hour, for a start, and there has to be a "clear
>> seperation" of adverts and programming.  (hence why you often get
>> channel idents between ads and programmes or trailers)  So, you can't
>> have anything on-screen that is not relevant to the programme.  (e.g.
> So what about when they squeeze the credits into half the screen to
> blare at you about some crap in the other half of the screen
> preventing you from reading the credits and destroying the
> integrity of the final minutes of your recording?

That of course depends on what the crap is ... it can't be adverts,
but could be a sponsorship message (which are not allowed to offer any
"call to action" or any promotional messages) and may even be
trailers, which I would imagine are considered editorial.  The slight
exception being, for example, promotions for programme-ralated
material (e.g. "You can now buy the complete series on DVD..").

If in doubt... http://www.ofcom.org.uk/complain/    it's only a couple
of minutes filling in a webform (do remember to select NOT to get
follow-up research calls, though) and they do seem to appreciate it...
 and it really does only take one complaint to get things changed, if
the company concerned is breaking the rules.
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