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Date   : Thu, 23 Jul 2009 10:43:26 +0100
From   : robert@... (Rob)
Subject: Anyone about to test a BBS?

Is there anybody online now who fancies a quick test of some software for me?

Download http://www.viewdata.org.uk/downloads/BeebEmBBSdialer.zip
unpack, and run RUNME.BAT   - Sorry, Windows only...

It's just BeebEm, with a pre-saved configuration and suchlike to run
commstar and connect to me ...  There are some changes and updates
since BeebEm4.02 so you'll need to use this one.  It shouldn't
interfere with any pre-existing BeebEm installation you might have.

or, if you've got a telnet client that speaks viewdata, connect to

if it works and you get in, *bb.fc# and leave us a message!

Only one line in presently, and the host is running on my laptop, so
don't expect 100% availability..


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