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Date   : Sat, 25 Jul 2009 11:54:37 +0100
From   : robert@... (Rob)
Subject: Anyone about to test a BBS?

On 24/07/2009, Rick Murray <rick@...> wrote:
> Rob wrote:
>> Should relaly put a big note up that for most people # = Return.
> Your server code? Why not put in some code that # can be used as an
> alias for those who take it literally...?

Autonomic Systems server - (aka, The Gnome At Home)

And actually.. when it wants a # it only accepts a #.  But every
terminal programme I've come across, including Commstar which I
bundled in the zip, sends a # when you press return when in viewdata
mode. If you actually want a CR, you need to press Ctrl-M.
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