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Date   : Tue, 11 Aug 2009 07:37:18 +0000
From   : julian_stenning@... (Julian Stenning)
Subject: Tales of woe and stupidity

 > Ok, what died : The motherboard, The video card, The hard disk controler.

At some point in the mid 80's I had a teletype printer attached to my beeb's
RS423 port. The printer was something my Dad rescued from his work, and even
in those days was terribly slow (but sounded great).


I'm not sure what the problem was, but the printer stopped chugging away 
mid print-out and I could smell burning. Like most beebs, my lid was not 
screwed on and I quickly pulled it off only to see one of the IC's behind
the RS423 port glowing red like molten lava, emitting smoke. In a panic everything
was switched off at the mains disconnected.


My Dad desoldered the IC & replaced with a socketted version and all was
ok. I don't recall anything being replaced; that particular beeb is in the
loft currently, and I'll have a look to remind myself when I next get it down.


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