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Date   : Tue, 11 Aug 2009 09:25:12 +0100
From   : zeem.uk@... (Alex Taylor)
Subject: Tales of woe and stupidity (was: Issue 1)

2009/8/10 Rick Murray <rick@...>:

> Who else has an amusing tale of woe and stupidity to share?

Something similar to what's already been said. I worked in a computer
shop in Northampton in the late 90s. Someone brought their scanner in
because it "wasn't working". One of the other blokes in the shop
plugged in the mains lead for it and turned to me with the DC power
plug in his hand, asking me if I could test it with my multimeter. I
took one look and immediately shouted at him to move away from me and
unplug the lead. The owner of the scanner had chopped off the 12V 1A
wall adapter part and replaced it with a mains plug - checking it
later showed the fuse to have blown too.

I had to go into the front of the shop and try and explain - as
politely as possible - just how stupid he'd been. He said that a
friend of his had told him it was OK to do that. However, I did enjoy
telling him that he'd probably destroyed his scanner, and that I
wasn't willing to look at it or give him any other assistance with it
as a result of what he'd done.

Alex Taylor
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