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Date   : Sun, 16 Aug 2009 21:26:10 +0100
From   : robert@... (Rob)
Subject: Plans for the Econet Island @,Acorn World 09?

On 16/08/2009, Michael Firth <mfirth@...> wrote:
> If the total on the Econet island is only 8, then having 4 dedicated Cave
> machines seems a bit much, given that there is also the Econet Atom which
> will take one of the remaining 4 places due to being a curiosity.

Well, at the end of the day, it IS tied to a Gaming show ... so we
should be showing off some games, and what better than econetted

What other networked games are there other than Cave and JGH's
Muggins?  I did start a MUD, a long time ago, but it was never really
got to a point where it was really worth playing, and while I think I
can locate the discs, I thnk I remember that it needs another
Beeb+6502 2P to act as sever.

> With only 3 spaces, there isn't likely to be much room for showing BeebEm
> plus some traditional BBC Stations. Certainly the A3020s / A5000 are likely
> to have to be relegated to an inaccessible location as 'server only'.
> I guess if we don't make the Cave network seperate then we could perhaps
> have something along the lines of 2 permanent Cave clients, with some of the
> other BBCs able to run as additional clients if they're not needed / wanted
> for
> something else.

If we are that limited to space, then yep, that makes sense ...

We'll need some notices I think ... *I AM 245 CAVE for cave, *I AM 240
HOST for bbs, etc ..
> What does everyone else think?

> If I can get BeebEm for Linux talking AUN in time*, I'll be able to have my
> Netbook running BeebEm talking to my A3020, which could be a small
> station in addition to the 8.
> I guess the question then is whether we need to join the two AUN Ethernets
> together.

I don't see why not.  We'll have 'net access available, into which
I'll plug my VoIP router to give us phone lines for the BBS.  The
other side of that gives us a nice clean subnet to plug the AUN BBS
machines into, rather than competing for IP addresses with whatever
else the hotel has on their network, so you can link into that with no

> I'll put as much stuff in as I can fit then, but all my bits are home-brew,
> due
> to never having had access to any 'official' Econet clocks / terminators /
> cabling.

Nor me - I only ever had my termintor-bodged-into-a-clock, everything
else was home grown.  I now have a selection of Phil's nice new
sockets, but still got my old ones too.

> * currently the code compiles, but the machine I was trying it on last week
> was
> failing with a "Can't find a free station ID" message. Hopefully that will
> be easy
> to fix, then it will be down to seeing if the Linux machine can see the
> A3020.

try adding a specific entry in Econet.cfg and requesting that one with -Ecostn

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