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Date   : Thu, 17 Sep 2009 10:19:59 +0100
From   : rs423@... (Mick Champion)
Subject: Leccy @ Acorn World '09

Phil Blundell wrote:
> On Sun, 2009-09-13 at 11:25 +0100, Mick Champion wrote:
>> True. It makes having fused plugs rather pointless don't you think? Most 
>> people I know will reach for the nearest fuse whatever it's value to 
>> replace a dud.
> Fusing at 13A in the plug is still rather better than relying solely on
> the circuit fuse, which would obviously be 30A for a typical ring
> circuit.  
Ah yes. I was forgetting the 30 amp circuits for a moment there.

> ...although it had been considered OK to rely on the circuit
> fuse for protection when 15A radial circuits were the norm, the idea of
> having a small flex protected by nothing more than the 30A fuse on a
> ring main was obviously a bit too much.

>> .... but Europe and the US of A don't bother. 
> Europe and the USA don't, in general, place their outlets on circuits
> rated at more than about 15A.
So that means the USA only gets half the available power we do then? If 
they are only rated at 15 amps and on 110 volts, that means they can 
only get 1650 watts compared to our impressive 2990 / 3120 watts 
<gloat>. Roll out the "Baby Belling" and a 3 bar heater!!! Silly me 
thinking the Americans always did everything bigger! 60Hz vs our 50Hz 
mains frequency, 30 frames per second versus our 25. Oh hang on, aren't 
their pints pots smaller than ours? ;-)

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