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Date   : Sat, 26 Sep 2009 09:23:12 +0100
From   : zeem.uk@... (Alex Taylor)
Subject: Leccy @ Acorn World '09

2009/9/18 Rick Murray <rick@...>:

> Blow me, it was a colour telly with actual VALVES inside. How it kept on
> going into the mid 80s is anybody's guess.

I had a TV with two large and three small valves, about 5 or 6 years
ago. I had it connected to my son's PlayStation 2, and it had a
horizontal wooden shutter across the front. Other than some seriously
bad convergence problems that I mostly managed to adjust out, it
worked fine. I eventually sold it on eBay, for the grand sum of 10p!

> Now, that VCR... only V2000 machine I've ever experienced. WEIRD critter.

I've owned two. The Philips one was fairly ordinary although the
controls were a little bit different from the usual Japanese stuff
that everyone's now accustomed to. The Grunding one was weird though.
I sold those too, mistakenly for much less than they were worth.

I recently picked up some ex-rental films on V2000. I'm fairly sure
they must be quite rare because I've never seen such things before.

Alex Taylor
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