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Date   : Mon, 22 Mar 2010 07:03:29 +0000
From   : mike@... (Mike Tomlinson)
Subject: [OT] ADSL capabilities

In article <1D8215E1-8186-4D87-9C0B-AC9CDC31E621@...>, Darren
Grant <darren.grant@...> writes

>The iPlate would be utterly useless as the french do not use a 3 wire system. 

The iPlate doesn't just remove the bell wire, it also has filtering on
the incoming line. That's why I suggested the OP try one.

>The BT iPlate is a very basic device that simply isolates the ring wire.

It does more than that.

>The best way however is to optimise your broadband is to fit a filtered 
>faceplate so that the ADSL signal is filtered at the master socket so it
>have to travel through all of the extension wiring that is often not twisted 

The OP said his router is the only thing connected to the line, which is
the ideal way to have it.

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