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Date   : Wed, 07 Apr 2010 21:11:41 +0100
From   : zeem.uk@... (Alex Taylor)
Subject: Free Stuff Tranche 1 (Sheffield)

On 7 April 2010 10:37, Joel Rowbottom <joel@...> wrote:

> I've already bagsed it to get some data off PCW disks I have kicking
> around here, if you want it once I'm done I'm happy to keep hold of it
> until I see you again.

OK. I certainly plan to go to the VCF and the event in November.

I've got an 8512 with 3" and 3.5" drives, which is very handy. I've
used this in conjunction with either John Eliot's MSODBAL or
Moonstone's 2-in-1 software to transfer stuff across. Those programs
are also handy on the multiple 9256s and 10s I've got. I've also got a
9512+ but I've never really used it.

On 7 April 2010 14:57, Tim Fardell <tim.fardell@...> wrote:

> I've got a PCW9512 which I fixed the disk drive in and is now
> fully-working, and in very clean condition (if a little dusty now!). It
> came with a daisy-wheel printer, which I foolishly threw away. The printer
> connector was a humongous DIN plug the like of which I have never seen on
> anything else.

It's a 14-pin DIN which Maplin used to carry as a spare part. I've got
a few daisywheels which I've never used, and one or two sheet feeders.
One is in a right state as it's in the garage and some ivy grew in
through a gap and covered everything underneath in filth. Drive belts
are *the* fault on these, I have a stock of spares. The only other
faults I've come across on mine have been one I dropped off a chair
which then wouldn't power up, and dodgy vertical sync on 9256 and 10

> The supplied Locoscript software has a very strage quirk that effectively
> renders the "write protect" function of disks inoperative - it will refuse
> to *read* any file if the disk is write-protected!

I've never come across that one, but there was a steady stream of
updates to the software. I think I have LocoScript 3 or 4 for the
9512, but can't remember if the set of disks was complete or working.

Alex Taylor
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